Monday, June 18, 2007

Rumor: New ICRSS Location

With the ordination of the new Institute Priest's This Blogger has heard a rumor that Fr. Talarico will be sent to St. Anthony of Padua Chapel in West Orange, NJ.

This is a Unconfirmed Rumor, Fr. Talarico did tell me that he was headed to the east coast but did not tell me where, he said it was not "Official" Yet, but if this rumor is true this is another awesome step.

Now where is that Motu Proprio.........

A Reader of this blog Contacted me and gave me some more info:
I was reading your blog from Monday. I'm a parishoner at St. Anthony's in West Orange, NJ. The rumors you have heard are true. The announcement was officially made last weekend at Mass. Fr. Andreas Hellman is coming to assist with Masses in July. Fr. Talarico will be visiting in late July and coming permanently in September to serve as rector


  1. It is my understanding that Fr. Talarico is from the New Jersey area.

  2. That is incorrect. Fr. Talarico is from Pittsburgh, PA.

  3. Why can't North Dakota get an indult mass?

  4. Techno-

    Fr. Avis is assigned to St.Francis Oratory in St. Louis with Fr. Lenhardt at least until the end of the year.
